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Archive for October, 2007

CCAST-2007-10-09 #23

Another great Cherie Cast where we share some very cool stuff that has happened since Cherie has been in Hawaii and some things leading up to it.

  • Physic
  • Retirement Ceremony
  • Tia Gunn
  • More Expo Talk
  • Hawaii Adventures

Plus a great deal more. Tune in and if you have comments send them to [email protected]

CCAST-2007-10-03 #22

This is the first time we have recorded the Cherie Cast with Cherie in the Studio. Enjoy the show and expect another one to be put up in few days.

  • Pain Control
  • Whack on the Head
  • The Touch
  • Grandson acting as Medium
  • Happy to be on Vacation
  • Some Podcast Expo Coverage